The freezing rain and No.15

I had one of those moments this morning. You know those times when you're driving home, and after you park the car you have to sit for awhile, listening to the end of a song on the radio?
Today I was driving in freezing rain, and the song on the radio was a Beethoven string quartet (#15, 3rd mvt). I'm always a sucker for strings, but today...after sitting in the car, watching the rain and ice...I just had to share.

A new direction

photo via 
A new direction is in the works. The first and most difficult steps have been taken.

"Don't ask yourself what the
world needs. Ask yourself what
makes you come alive. Because
what the world needs is people
who have come alive."

-Howard Thurman-

Not in my back yard

But hopefully, someday.

Rue de Sarlat,  Sarlat, Aquitaine, Fr .

Back to reality

Orders are finished, parcels are sent... now back to the fun stuff!

The Common Ground

     Why is it that when you are renovating, can be so hard to come up with a common ground? We both have simple tastes. She likes light and airy. Maybe white walls? I would be happy with white as long as they have some texture.  My other requirements are simple enough.

Like a comfortable place to sit...

a simple table...

good lighting...

basic storage...
a decent sound system...
some simple accessories...
and maybe a kitty in the corner.
So what's the issue?

photo sources:
1. Scan of a page, torn from some long-forgotten magazine.
2,3,5,7 and 9. Obsolete (of course)
4,12 and 13. Ron Pippin
10. unknown source

Note to self...

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